Eternal Truth Ministry

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Guest Writers

What is a guest writer?

A guest writer is a person who writes articles for ETM but is not a staff member and does not represent ETM in an official capacity.


  • Submitted articles must be the original work of the person submitting the article.
  • Articles cannot be stating positions that go against the ETM statement of beliefs.
  • Try to keep articles no longer than 1000 words. Longer articles can be split up into multiple articles.

Submitting Articles

  • Send an email to with your name, church, testimony, and state if you agree with the ETM statement of beliefs or not. If you do not agree with certain points please specify which points you do not agree with and why. (100% agreement with our statement of beliefs is not a requirement for being a guest writer)
  • You will receive a reply with the details you will need within 7 days.