Eternal Truth Ministry

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Bible Study NotesEvangelism

Ideas we can use in witnessing to others, and ministering to new Christians

I. Foundation Verses and Their Major Points (in sequential order):

A. Matt. 16:1-4
B. Matt 16:5-12
C. Matt 26:1-13 (esp. v. 10-13)
D. Luke 4:8
E. Luke 4:16-19 (digression)
F. Luke 19:1-10
G. Romans 2:4
H. Matthew 16:26
I. Ephesians 5:1-7
J. Mark 13:28-31

A. Matt 16:1-4
1. Read v. 1-4
2. Explain:
– The Pharisees and Sadducees wanted a sign that Jesus was who
He said He was; Jesus said an adulterous nation seeks a sign.
– The Pharisees and Sadducees naturally thought that God would give them a sign if they were to believe someone who was really the Son of God; Their forefathers Abraham, Moses, etc. had signs from God when God wanted to get His point across.
– Jesus says in v. 4 that the only sign they will get is the same sign the prophet Jonah got – three days in the belly of the beast. Basically, Jesus is talking about His death, burial, and resurrection.
– Jonah was in the belly of the beast three days; Jesus was dead for three days before he resurrected.
– First of all, we learn from this that we have to show those we evangelize to that there will be no sign from God, just because you ask for one; If you say “God, I don’t believe in you, but if you show me a sign, I will believe in you!”, then chances are it won’t happen. You have to accept with faith that Jesus is Lord in order to be saved; Faith is VITAL to becoming a child of God.
– Another point from this is that NOW is the time for repentance! They must know that the Second Coming is imminent.
– Read 1 Cor. 1:21-22 (echos two points: You need faith to be saved, and the Jews request a sign).
– Read Romans 5:1 to echo point of salvation by faith alone
– They need to know also that Jesus’ death on the Cross is the thing which will save them, and the ONLY thing that will save them.

1. Read v. 5-12
2. Explain:
– The disciples thought Jesus was warning them because they did not bring any bread with them; Jesus was actually warning about the “leaven” (doctrine) of the Pharisees – the ways in which they made up rules as they went along.
– When witnessing we need to understand that the idols and false doctrines of the world is what blinds the world from seeing Jesus for who He really is – the Son of God and the Messiah. We need to expose the lies the people we evangelize to are believing in, and the false Messiahs they are focusing on (money, power, sex, drugs, etc.). These false doctrines and lifestyles are clearly wrong to God, and they all server as a distraction from the truth of Jesus Christ being their saviors (as apposed to money, power, sex, drugs, etc.)
– These things are tools the enemy uses (as any other sin) to keep people on the wrong path, so that they feel too guilty about what they do to face their God.
– We need to also warn these people to stay true to themselves and to be careful what kind of leaders they choose, spiritually or otherwise. For there are many false prophets out there, especially in these days where we’re getting closer to Jesus’ second coming.

C. Matthew 26:1-13, (esp. focus on 10-13, give explanation of 1-9)
1. Read said verses
2. Explain:
– In v. 1 – 9 a woman anointed Jesus with expensive oil. The disciples, esp. Judas (as you see in another Gospel where it is more detailed), is upset because the oil could have been sold for money to “give to the poor”. Note, Judas wanted to steal the money.
– In v. 10-13 Jesus tells His disciples that what the woman is doing for him is a benefit to the spread of the Gospel and a memorial onto his burial.
– He also says that what the woman was doing will be a memorial unto her. I understand this to mean that our deeds as Christians and our witnessing will be rewarded when we are in Heaven.
– I also think this to mean that we should preach the Gospel around the world as a memorial unto Christ Jesus. So if we know that we should do it, we should make it clear to those who we convert that it doesn’t stop at becoming a Christian; they should also get acquainted with the word and start evangelizing too.
– This duty to the poor mentioned in these verses is explained in one of our upcoming verses.

D. Luke 4:8
1. Read Luke v. 4:8
2. Explain:
– Jesus was being tempted, but He stood fast, and quotes a very important verse from Deuteronomy: Worship God and Him alone!
– We must make sure we press this upon new Christians. As said before, being a Christian means abandoning any doctrine or “idol” which keeps up from abiding in Christ constantly!

E. Luke 4:16-19 (digression)
1. Read v. 16-19
2. Explain:
– We have an obligation to the same people Jesus preached the Gospel to:
– The spiritually poor
– The spiritually blind
– The broken hearted
– The captives, in order to set them free

F. Luke 19:1-10
1. Read Luke 19:1-10
2. Explain:
– In these verses the man, Zacchaeus did what Jesus had commanded another man to do, and that was sell his possessions to give the money to the poor and right all the wrong he had done.
– We must also teach others by example to do the same thing, especially those who are seeking to become and grow as Christians, because a Christian does that – he helps the needy and rights his wrongs.
– These verses also talk about reclaiming the lost; we must teach others by example to do the same thing!

G. Romans 2:4
1. Read Romans 2:4
2. Explain
– We must teach others to turn away from their sins.
– We must also teach them that failure to repent is a disgrace to the fact that God allows us to repent to show His goodness, instead of immediately punishing us.

H. Matthew 16:26
1. Read Matthew 16:26
2. Explain:
– We must learn to make sacrifices for God
– This pleases God greatly
I. Ephesians 5:1-7
1. Read Ephesians 5:1-7
2. Explain:
– Be an imitator of Christ
– Do not partake in the said activies
J. Mark 13:28-31
1. Read Mark 13:28-31
2. Explain:
– This verse speaks of the Second Coming
– All people, Christian or not, NEED to know that the second coming is imminent and they should spread that message!

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