Eternal Truth Ministry

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."


Evangelism Outreach

On the ETM forums we have a discussion going on how you evangelize and outreach in your church. What one of the members said just blew me away.

Check it out.


Before I start, I’d like to say that I am definitely in full support of outreaches and all the efforts different churches in the body of Christ to reach the lost.

However, I came to a point in my relationship with God where I couldn’t just limit my evangelism to only during scheduled church outreaches. I heard a man preach something one evening that really rocked me. He explained that we shouldn’t need to switch gears from normal life to reaching the lost. If it wasn’t a lifestyle that lived, then I wasn’t living for Christ. His message turned some people off, but God really did something in me. He started telling testimonies of how more people were getting lead to the Lord by his church members outside the church than in the church. People were getting healed, delivered, and saved in their local mall like crazy. And when people came to him and asked him “when and where do you meet for your mall outreach? We have heard all the testimonies of people being saved, healed, and delivered in your local mall.” His response was “Mall outreach? We don’t have a mall outreach, just church members who shop.”

It got me thinking. I don’t need to schedule a time to reach the lost, I need to develop a lifestyle of doing it in normal life. Ever since then, though hard sometimes, this is the main approach I have taken for evangelism, making it something I try to do everyday whenever an opportunity comes up.

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Jon Zenor

Jon is the founder and leader of ETM, a ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel across the Internet. You can find more information about him on his personal website,