Eternal Truth Ministry

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Who is God?

What is the Fear of God?

Many people can go into their Bible’s and with head knowledge try to define what the fear of the Lord is.  But have you actually experienced it?  In my recent encounters with God I honestly couldn’t do the feeling justice with just words, but here is my best attempt at it:

The fear of the Lord, is the manifestation of how you feel when you stand before Him and realize that His Love and goodness are so ridiculously beyond what you have ever imagined, and you realize that you are nothing compared to Him, that your goodness is but filthy rags, and you realize that every evil and wicked thing is exposed out in the open for everyone to see when you are around Him because of the stark contrast that there is in His Presence. It is the feeling of being overwhelmed with how good He is and wondering how do I relate to Him? He is so good that He sees right through my evil desire to not be completely transparent with Him and to not want to completely show my heart to Him. It is the feeling that comes about when you realize that because of the incomprehensible Goodness and Love that He has, He has every right to judge you and in every regard, because He is perfect in every regard. There’s no escaping the fact that you have nothing to bring to Him in your defense, and there is nothing you can do and nothing that you can come up with to bring against God because He has never done anything wrong. Our normal defense mechanisms won’t work with Him, and our normal verbal manipulation that we use on other people are useless to justify ourselves before Him, nor to manipulate Him into agreeing with our point of view. God is absolutely beyond all manipulation, all reproach, and all blame, and has nothing but Loving and Good intentions for every human being on the planet. It is the realization that nothing escapes His notice, and with a simple whiff of His breath you would cease to exist.

It is the realization that you absolutely deserve to be whisked away into non-existence by this absolutely Perfect Being and that He would be fully justified in doing so. It is the realization of His goodness when you realize that His Goodness and Love surpasses anything that you have even imagined or realized.  This is when all of your fears are put at bay, when He comes to you and tells you that He died for you to justify your sin. It is the absolute feeling of reverence and overwhelming awe towards Him that you feel when the reality of His goodness and Love finally hits you.

When we truly come to the realization of who He is, the only reaction possible is the healthy fear of God that drives you to want to change, and allow Him to transform you into His image so you don’t feel so fearfully awkward standing before Him anymore.

Look how Isaiah, one of the most righteous people on the Earth at the time, responds when he comes to this realization:

Isaiah 6:5(NLT)

5Then I said, “It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.”

This is naturally how anyone would respond when they actually see God for who He is.




“Yielding to the Lord according to your understanding keeps you in the realm of only doing what's humanly possible.” "And he said, the things which are impossible with men are possible with God" (Luke 18:27) ‎"the devil only looks big when I've lost sight of Jesus." -B. J.

3 thoughts on “What is the Fear of God?

  • Hi Machew,

    I wanted to discuss the following from paragraph 2 above:

    “God is absolutely beyond all manipulation, all reproach, and all blame, and has nothing but Loving and Good intentions for every human being on the planet.”

    I’d like to discuss the later portion of this sentence:
    “[God] has nothing but Loving and Good intentions for every human being on the planet.”

    Could you define the following words for us (internet audience)?


    After you’ve done this I was wondering if you could give me some verse references from the Bible for making the statement.

    Just so you know why I’m asking, I’m wondering how you are making the above statement and yet resolving or holding in tention God’s attributes with what we experience in life that is ugly and hard, even evil.

    Also, since the “Problem of Evil” is a really common objection to Christian faith today, I’d like to know how you’re wrestling through such issues yourself–since this is immediately relevant to any Christian witness today.



  • Hi Machew,

    I wanted to give a round of applause for talking about such an important subject as the Fear of God.

    What a great topic.

    God is great and part of his Holiness is his awe-some-ness!
    I think its really sad our culture tosses the word awesome around as if it meant nothing more than ‘nice.’

    I really enjoyed this statement from paragraph 3:

    “It is the realization that you absolutely deserve to be whisked away into non-existence by this absolutely Perfect Being and that He would be fully justified in doing so. It is the realization of His goodness when you realize that His Goodness and Love surpasses anything that you have even imagined or realized.”

    Our God is an Awesome God, right?




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