Eternal Truth Ministry

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."


ETM Spring Update

This year has proven to be really busy for just about everybody here at ETM, which led to a few week break from writing articles, but we are back in action! And we have some exciting changes.

Article Schedule

The first thing to note is that we have changed how and when we release new articles.  Instead of Media Monday, the Bible article on Thursday, and the podcast on Saturday, we will just be posting a new article, which can be any category, every three days or so.

This gives us a lot more flexability and relaxes the schedule to make writing articles a lot easier to manage.

ETM Gaming

ETM now has a group of gamers that want to enjoy online gaming in a Christian environment. We are working on setting up all of the details still but there are already two guilds setup, one for World of Warcraft, and one for Rift. If you want any more information on them check out the ETM Gaming page.

If you have a guild or online gaming group you want to have affiliated with ETM write an email to and give us the details of your group. We will contact you with details from there.

Guest Articles

We are now allowing articles to be written by guests.  Guest articles will allow ETM members to get more involved in this ministry and allow those who do not meet the requirements to be on staff to still have their articles published.  We are excited about this change and look forward to seeing what articles everyone writes.  For more information check out the Guest Writers page.

Jon Zenor

Jon is the founder and leader of ETM, a ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel across the Internet. You can find more information about him on his personal website,

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