Eternal Truth Ministry

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Current Editorials

Jr. Highers Really Need Prayer

Note: Welcome to the first ETM Current Editorial, where we write a short opinion piece about current events.

The Jr. High group at our church occasionally does “Question and Answer” weeks, where the kids can write down any question they want to, and the next week the pastor addresses a few of those questions from a Biblical perspective.  Last Sunday I helped read through a few of the questions to filter out the good from those just messing around.  While doing this, I came across several questions regarding cutting.  Not only this, but after the service I found out that a Jr. Higher in the city lost at a game of Russian Roulette last week.  By God’s grace the boy survived, although we do not know how full of a recovery there will be.

These reports just broke my heart.  When I was in Jr. High I just had to worry about how I would get the attention of a girl I liked or if I wanted to participate in the crazy Jr. High games we used to play.  What has happened to our society, to our schools, to our kids, to cause them to suffer so much?  When we look at them we have no clue the amount of pain and hurt some of them may be going through.

I want this to be a call to action to you.  Please, keep these kids in your prayers.  If you are a parent of someone in this age group, take the time to draw close to them and find out what they are really going through.  If you know a kid who is in this age group, do not just think that they are just kids, get to know them because they are going through some seriously dangerous stuff right now.  But most importantly, pray, for the kids and their parents.

Jon Zenor

Jon is the founder and leader of ETM, a ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel across the Internet. You can find more information about him on his personal website,

2 thoughts on “Jr. Highers Really Need Prayer

  • This may seem cliche, but the issue comes down to parents. Ive spoken with many jr. and high school ministries and the number one problem is parent buy in. Even from “good” christian homes, its rare for a parent to be actively involved in a childs life.

    I was recently snowboarding by myself and took the chance to talk to random people on the lifts. I had gotten a high schooler from Montana and I asked, “where do you think we go when we die?” and he said he had never thought about it and didt have an answer. Later in the conversation he revealed that his parents are super involved, but not really “religious.” “We go to christmas and easter services but we never really go to church. youth group is fun though, i like the music.”

    We’re definitely missing something if for years someone went to church and youthgroup and were never confronted with the idea of eternity, heaven, and hell.

    just a few thoughts.


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