Eternal Truth Ministry

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Dealing with SinPutting God First

Quit living the lie! Do you really love God?

How can you believe that you really love God while you purposely live a life in defiance of Him?  Really?  Choosing to live in the sin, in the filth, that He freed you from is you showing that you love Him?

When we truly love someone it changes our actions towards that person.  Before we are saved we are living in rebellion against God, so if you truly love God after receiving salvation then your attitude WILL change towards Him.

If you are still continuing on in sin then it is time to think about analyzing your relationship with God.  Maybe you are not as in love with Him as you think you are.  Maybe you never gave your life to Him in the first place…

I’m not saying this to make you feel bad or to put you down, but to encourage you!  It is not too late to repent from your lifestyle and follow God!

He died for you, for what?  To save you from hell?  No, He died to free you from the bondage of sin NOW, and so He could have a relationship with you.

Some will say “No matter what I do God loves me anyway.”  BUT, is that really a loving attitude to have towards Him?  If I know my wife will love me no matter what I do and I go and cheat on her, am I loving her?  NO!  Because I love my wife I will do the things that I know I should do towards her.  Not because if I don’t she will not love me, but simply because I love her.

It is the same with God.  God may not love you less if you sin, but if you are continually living in sin, practicing sin, making conscious choices to do what you know He hates, then how can you say you love Him?

It is time to quit living the lie.

Jon Zenor

Jon is the founder and leader of ETM, a ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel across the Internet. You can find more information about him on his personal website,

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